What Are The Benefits Of An Internal Control Questionnaire?

If paper records are accidentally created containing payment card data, that data will be destroyed with either a cross cut shredder or a confetti shredder. Since 1947, Smolin Lupin has dedicated itself to developing long-lasting client relationships. We provide professional financial and accounting services uniquely designed to meet the needs of each and every client.

  • Based on this information, external auditors can also speculate whether the company’s financial information is reliable.
  • When combined with your audit team’s expertise, training, and analysis, the questionnaire assists auditors in producing accurate, useful audit reports.
  • Group accounts and shared passwords are not allowed to access payment card data.
  • Through this comparison, it can help auditors get a better understanding of the controls to expect at a company.
  • State departments and agencies that have their financial statements discretely presented as component units and major proprietary funds in the State’s CAFR are also required to complete this questionnaire, as appropriate.
  • This tool is completed by all State departments and agencies that are reported as part of the primary government within the State’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report .

Businesses rely on internal controls to help ensure the accuracy and integrity of their financial statements, as well as prevent fraud, waste and abuse. Given their importance, internal controls are a key area of focus for internal and external auditors. Many auditors use detailed internal control questionnaires to help evaluate the internal control environment — and ensure a comprehensive assessment. Although some audit teams still use paper-based questionnaires, many now prefer an electronic format.

In most cases, internal controls may not work as intended because of the employees responsible for them. Therefore, auditors can also measure their efficiency in ensuring internal controls are effective. Based on this information, external auditors can also speculate whether the company’s financial information is reliable. As mentioned, these documents compare a company’s internal control systems with a standard. Through this comparison, it can help auditors get a better understanding of the controls to expect at a company.

For this reason, the unit leader is required to be the one to electronically sign and submit the completed questionnaire. The short answer is that all UVA employees are expected to perform their duties in accordance with proper internal control, including identifying and reporting any observed weaknesses. The policy also sets explicit expectations and duties for individuals who are responsible for administering University funds and resources as well as for the University’s internal auditors. The purpose of the internal control questionnaire is to help the audit team assess your company’s internal control system. Coupled with the audit team’s training, expertise and analysis, the questionnaire can help produce accurate, insightful audit reports. The insight gained from the questionnaire also can add value to your business by revealing holes in the control system that may need to be patched to prevent fraud, waste and abuse. When this method is used, the auditor meets with company personnel and discusses a particular aspect of the company’s internal control environment.

In order to ensure that the right individuals are selected to participate, the audit team might ask for the company’s organization chart. Before assigning the questionnaire, the audit team may also conduct preliminary interviews to confirm their selections. Any unit wanting to store payment card data needs written approval from both the Chief Investment Officer and the Information Security Officer to do so.


We offer over 300 audit checklists and questionnaires that offer a wide range of support. Some of KnowledgeLeader’s most popular sample internal audit checklists and audit questionnaires are listed below by category. The audit team might request the company’s organization chart to ensure that the appropriate individuals are selected to participate. Auditors also might conduct preliminary interviews to confirm their selections before assigning the questionnaire. This booklet is a compilation of internal control questionnaires and verification procedures from various booklets of the Comptroller’s Handbook.

The auditor then completes the relevant section of the questionnaire before asking those interviewed to review and validate their own responses. An internal control questionnaire examines the effectiveness of a board of directors. The internal questionnaire asks questions such as whether the directors of the organization monitor accounts receivable records, or whether the directors receive financial reports from the organization and examine them. The internal control questionnaire shows the auditor whether the board of directors takes an active role in ensuring that financial records are accurate. Therefore, an internal control questionnaire is a document that auditors can use to evaluate a company’s compliance with the COSO framework. Once auditors establish these gaps, they will take the required corrective actions.

internal controls questionnaire

This process audit checklist template is to be used as a preliminary audit checklist. It provides the auditee an opportunity to inform internal audit about controls and processes they employ and ideas about other controls and processes that may be appropriate. Under this approach, the auditor meets with company personnel to discuss a particular element of the internal control environment. Then the auditor completes the relevant section of the questionnaire and asks the people who were interviewed to review and validate the responses. During the planning phase of an assurance audit, IACS may use an Internal Control Questionnaire to help evaluate internal controls in specific areas. By asking key questions, IACS often uses an ICQ as a starting point and then supplements it with other information gathering and control evaluation techniques, such as flowcharting and documentation review. It is important for board members to be able to consider practical ideas that will help them improve their boards’ risk oversight.

Business Plan

The Arizona Department of Health Services questionnaire asks whether the accountants at an agency take annual vacations. Requiring accountants at an organization to take time off from their jobs strengthens internal controls because other accountants who work for the organization can check the accuracy of the books while the main record keepers are away.

internal controls questionnaire

With those approvals, electronic payment card data can be stored for up to 60 days. The Risk Unit is responsible for evaluating loss exposures, assessing liability, handling claims, promoting internal controls and developing effective safety and health programs. Internal controls are a system of policies, procedures, reviews, segregation of duties, and other activities that are used to minimize the risk of asset loss, produce accurate financial statements, and conduct operations in an efficient and orderly manner. The University must annually certify to the State Comptroller regarding the adequacy of our internal controls and the ICQ process is one of the bases upon which that certification is made.

Financial Compliance

Areas include project initiation and management, risk assessment, business impact analysis, disaster recovery strategies and post-implementation. If companies have a robust internal control system, they can obtain better efficiency in their operations. Usually, these controls are a part of a company’s financial and risk management processes. Usually, stakeholders are likely to trust companies with an efficient internal control system than those that don’t. Businesses use internal controls to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse, and to ensure the accuracy and integrity of their financial statements. Internal and external auditors place a lot of specific focus on internal controls because of their high importance.

Similar requirements are established under Restructuring, by the Commonwealth’s Agency Risk Management and Internal Control Standards , and the terms and conditions (e.g., Uniform Guidance at 2 CFR 200) applicable to Federally sponsored programs. Huron has extensive experience helping institutions assess and implement effective controls and successfully navigate the Single Audit process. If you have concerns about your institution’s preparedness for the Single Audit encompassing the pandemic period, contact one of our leaders today. This safety audit checklist template provides questions to consider while conducting periodic hazard assessments. The internal control questionnaire can also be important in several other aspects. Some of the reasons that exemplify the importance of internal control questionnaires are as below. Since most questions require only yes-or-no answers, questionnaires don’t typically take very long to complete.

The major focus areas include internal tax policies and procedures and application of procedures and the tax process. Internal control questionnaires are also critical in measuring the efficiency of a company’s internal controls. Most companies have the proper internal controls in place to prevent or detect and correct errors or misstatements. However, these controls are often not effective in identifying any irregularities. Through ICQs, auditors can establish whether the internal control systems work as intended.

internal controls questionnaire

The internal control questionnaire is designed to help audit teams understand your company’s internal control system. When combined with your audit team’s expertise, training, and analysis, the questionnaire assists auditors in producing accurate, useful audit reports. Internal control questionnaires provide evidence that the auditor uses to determine if employees check the work of other employees.

Therefore, ICQs can help auditors form an opinion on whether the board of directors take an active role in a company’s internal controls. For external auditors, it is also crucial as it defines the controls related to financial information. There are several parties in a company that is responsible for a company’s internal controls. However, a company’s audit committee and internal auditors also take part in the process. Since several parties take part in the process, this process needs a proper documentation system.

Internal Audit Questionnaires

An internal control questionnaire provides evidence that a document or financial database exists, For example, a questionnaire may ask whether the company keeps a chart of its accounts. The auditor can then ask where the chart of accounts is located if it exists, or design the audit to operate without it. If an employee mentions that the chart of accounts exists and does not know where it is located, that may provide evidence that the company does not keep good records so the auditor should perform a more thorough audit. This internal audit questionnaire template helps perform a risk assessment to identify and prioritize key risks to best allocate the internal audit resources for the next year. This risk-based approach is focused on surveys/interviews of a cross-section of management personnel to solicit input from the potential customers of an internal audit function. The Self-Assessment of Internal Controls questionnaire is a tool utilized by the Hawaii State government to confirm the presence of an internal control system within State government.

Three Methods For Administering The Internal Control Questionnaire

The ICQ is delivered via an online tool delivered by UVAFinance that helps us assess the internal controls environment of the University. The University’s code of ethicsclearly expresses our institutional commitment to integrity and ethical values. This commitment is further communicated through the establishment of policies that clearly convey expectations and through the deployment of procedures detailing how to put those policies into action. Individual understanding, commitment, and adherence to the code of ethics, compliance with policies, and adherence to procedures are foundational to internal control. The output from the surveys and interviews can be used to develop an audit plan that creates broad coverage through a blend of internal audits, control self-assessment and targeted external audit coverage. Explicit written approval from the Information Security Officer is required to collect and/or store paper records containing payment card data. All such records must be stored in a secure fashion, and must be destroyed with either a cross cut shredder or a confetti shredder as soon as the data is no longer needed.

Internal Controls Questionnaire

Here’s an overview of the types of questions that may be included and how the questionnaire may be used during an audit. One of the most important aspects of using internal control questionnaires is that they provide evidence. As mentioned, ICQs are a part of a company’s internal control system documentation process. Therefore, they play a role in providing evidence of a company’s internal controls. For internal auditors, in particular, internal control questionnaires can a critical document for checking controls. Internal control questionnaires are also crucial in establishing how effectively a company’s management handles its duties.

Key Questions

On top of that, internal control questionnaires also act as guidance for future use. When conducting audits of a company’s internal controls, auditors can use previous ICQs to identify historical deficiencies. Using that information, they can focus on the areas that had weaknesses in the past. They can also use past ICQs as a standard document to perform future audits, which can further aid the process. ICQs provide evidence of the external auditors’ checks of a client’s internal control systems. Similarly, these records can act as evidence for internal controls, documents or policies existing in a company.