Long-Term Debt Definition

retire bond

This is similar to refinancing the mortgage on your house so you can make lower monthly payments. Callable bonds are more risky for investors than non-callable bonds because an investor whose bond has been called is often faced with reinvesting the money at a lower, less attractive rate.

MGP had previously used a combination of cash flow generation and borrowings under its bank credit line (‘revolver’) to fund a warehouse expansion project and to build up aged whiskey inventory. In 2017, MGP elected to borrow long-term, fixed-rate senior debt to term-out a portion of its revolver borrowings, and to fund incremental investment in capex and aged whiskey inventory.

Bond swapping is another way to achieve a tax-related goal for investors who are holding a bond that has declined in value since purchase but have taxable capital gains from other investments. The investor sells the original bond at a loss, which can be used to offset the taxable capital gain or up to $3,000 in ordinary income. He or she then purchases another bond with maturity, price and coupon similar to the one sold, thus reestablishing the position. You will also find higher coupon rates on corporate bonds than on U.S. treasury bonds with comparable maturities. In the corporate market, bonds with lower credit ratings typically pay higher income than higher credits with comparable maturities.


How are retirement bonds calculated?

Definition of Bond Retirement Technically, “retirement of bonds” is an accounting term that you’ll see used on financial statements. It refers to a buyback of bonds previously sold. In other words, it means a bond issuer has paid off the debt represented by the bonds.

Equity financing means you sell shares of ownership in the company to new investors. With long-term debt, the bank doesn’t get involved in your business. As long as you make your loan payments in a timely manner, you can operate your business as you see fit.

Some bonds have call provisions, which give issuers the right to buy them back before maturity. Issuers are more likely to exercise their early-redemption rights when interest rates are falling, so you then might have to reinvest the principal at lower rates. Bonds offer safety of principal and periodic interest income, which is the product of the stated interest rate or coupon rate and the principal or face value of the bond.

Retire Bonds at Maturity

This enables you to more easily meet other expense obligations and pocket earnings. You often have to use property as security to get financing, especially at reasonable interest rates. Building loans, for instance, are secured with your property as the collateral. If you fail to repay the debt, you could lose the property to the bank.

Companies with lesser credit ratings high-yield bonds, or junk bonds. These bonds have higher interest rates to reflect that riskiness, so if the company makes good on the bond there’s a larger payout. When a company issues debt with a maturity of more than one year, the accounting becomes more complex.

When considering a bond investment strategy, remember the importance of diversification. As a general rule, it’s never a good idea to put all your assets and all your risk in a single asset class or investment.


For investors, long-term debt is classified as simply debt that matures in more than one year. There are a variety of long-term investments an investor can choose from.

A Debenture is an unsecured debt or bonds that repay a specified amount of money plus interest to the bondholders at maturity. A debenture is a long-term debt instrument issued by corporations and governments to secure fresh funds or capital. Coupons or interest rates are offered as compensation to the lender. Prudential Private Capital’s relationship with MGP began in early 2017 with a meeting to discuss MGP’s business model as well as future capital needs.

  • Governments and businesses issue bonds to raise funds from investors.
  • Bonds pay regular interest, and bond investors get the principal back on maturity.
  • Credit-rating agencies rate bonds based on creditworthiness.

Having long-term useful lives, these investments were aligned with the long-term financing the company was looking for. You can invest in zero coupon bonds with maturity dates timed to your needs. To fund a four-year college education, you could invest in a laddered portfolio of four zeros, each maturing in one of the four consecutive years the payments will be due.

Corporate bonds are a common type of long-term debt investment. All corporate bonds with maturities greater than one year are considered long-term debt investments. Companies and investors have a variety of considerations when both issuing and investing in long-term debt.

The value of zero coupon bonds is more sensitive to changes in interest rates however, so there is some risk if you need to sell them before their maturity date. Corporate bonds’ safety varies a lot, depending on the company’s credit ratings. Companies with excellent to low credit ratings issue investment-grade corporate bonds, which have lower interest rates because of the safety of the investment.

The repayment of debt is considered a liability on the balance sheet. Long-term debt financing usually means smaller monthly installments than short-term credit accounts. Your amounts toward principal and interest are lower the longer your repayment period is spread out. By repaying the loan over a lengthy period, your monthly cash flow is less affected than it would be on a short-term debt with larger payments.

You don’t face the pressure that investors often put on companies to create immediate profits. If you have a long-term vision, this gives you the freedom to grow in the way you want. Credit risk means that issuers could default on their interest and principal repayment obligations if they run into cash-flow problems.

What Does “Retirement of Bond” Mean?

How do you retire a bond in accounting?

Subtract the total amount you paid to retire the bonds from the bonds’ net carrying value. A positive result represents a gain, while a negative result represents a loss. In the example, if you paid $10,500 to retire the bonds, subtract $10,500 from the bonds’ $11,500 net carrying value to get $1,000.

A company has a variety of debt instruments it can utilize to raise capital. Credit lines, bank loans, and bonds with obligations and maturities greater than one year are some of the most common forms of long-term debt instruments used by a company. All debt instruments provide a company with some capital that serves as a current asset.

Like governments and municipalities, corporations receive ratings from rating agencies that provide transparency about their risks. Rating agencies focus heavily on solvency ratios when analyzing and providing entity ratings.

retire bond

Bonds are ideal investments for retirees who depend on the interest income for their living expenses and who cannot afford to lose any of their savings. Bond prices sometimes benefit from safe-haven buying, which occurs when investors move funds from volatile stock markets to the relative safety of bonds. An issuer may choose to call a bond when current interest rates drop below the interest rate on the bond. That way the issuer can save money by paying off the bond and issuing another bond at a lower interest rate.

Governments and businesses issue bonds to raise funds from investors. Bonds pay regular interest, and bond investors get the principal back on maturity. Credit-rating agencies rate bonds based on creditworthiness. Low-rated bonds must pay higher interest rates to compensate investors for taking on the higher risk. Corporate bonds are usually riskier than government bonds.

You will want to diversify the risks within your bond investments by creating a portfolio of several bonds, each with different characteristics. Choosing bonds from different issuers protects you from the possibility that any one issuer will be unable to meet its obligations to pay interest and principal.

As a result, callable bonds often have a higher annual return to compensate for the risk that the bonds might be called early. Corporate bonds have higher default risks than Treasuries and municipals.

Once you start to lose assets through repossession, it becomes difficult to dig your way out of the financial mess. Long-term capital is congruent with a company’s long-term, strategic plans. It is common for long-term financing to also have a fixed-interest rate. A long-term, largely fixed-rate balance sheet can enable companies to better manage financial risk should interest rates rise. As previously mentioned, a business would also have more time to pay back the financing, while having certainty of financing cost over the life of an investment.

At issuance a company debits assets and credits long-term debt. As a company pays back its long-term debt, some of its obligations will be due within one year and some will be due in more than a year. To account for these debts, companies simply notate the payment obligations within one year for a long-term debt instrument as short term liabilities and the remaining payments as long-term liabilities. If your company needs financing to start or continue operations, long-term debt and equity are your two common options.