Going Concern Tips For Auditors During The Pandemic

Have they extended that evaluation period out to the reasonable period of time? Have they included all relevant information that’s available at that date? Remember, management’s evaluation is valid at the point at which they make that evaluation based on known information. For this reasonable period of time, management is required to identify whether any conditions or events are present when they’re making this evaluation that may cause significant doubt with respect to the ability to continue as a going concern. And management’s evaluation is made based on the conditions or events that are known at the time they are making that evaluation or are reasonably knowable as of that date. It essentially is, at the date of that evaluation, what do they know and then what is their conclusion around that.

going concern ratio

Let say the business is operating several different projects and fifty percent of those projects are lost to competitors, then the entity will face the going concern. The standard requires the Financial Statements to properly disclose the basis of preparation of Financial Statements.

Audit client tenure is the length of audit engagement between an auditor and a client . The length of audit client tenure can improve the auditor’s competence in making an auditing decision according to the auditor’s ongoing knowledge, which is in line with the audit engagement. Let’s drill down on those basic objectives and consider the steps the auditor goes through in achieving those objectives. The first one, of course, is to consider, from the auditor’s perspective, whether there are any conditions or events that cause or raise substantial doubt about the ability to continue as a going concern. Traditional ratios would not have provided sufficient warning, but cash flow ratios would have. Auditors who employ cash flow ratios to assess corporate liquidity and viability can help their clients spot trouble in time to take corrective action.

If the significance value is more than 5 percent, the hypothesis is refused. Thus, the value of an entity that is assumed to be a going concern is higher than its breakup value, since a going concern can potentially continue to earn profits.

Public Companies

Its OCF was consistently weaker than that of Circus Circus, even slipping into a negative position in 1994. Once Boomtown’s OCF slipped below 1.00, it was not generating enough cash to meet its current commitments. Accordingly, it had to find other sources for financing normal operations. An auditor relying solely on the quick and current ratios in this instance would have missed that important point. The present study indicated that the opinion shopping and the leverage affected the going concern audit opinion.

  • The auditor evaluates an entity’s ability to continue as a going concern for a period not less than one year following the date of the financial statements being audited .
  • Boomtown did not manage any of its growth from internally generated cash—it’s TFC ratio never got above 1.00!
  • These factors are mostly external, which means the management has to use several tools such as PESTEL analysis to assess going concern.
  • Amid the economic turmoil related to the coronavirus pandemic, going concern is one of the topics that auditors are most frequently asking about in their contacts with the AICPA.
  • Circus Circus, on the other hand, had plenty of cash for maintenance throughout and needed outside cash to fund growth only for a two-year interval.
  • The auditor’s consideration of disclosure should include the possible effects of such conditions and events, and any mitigating factors, including management’s plans.

This TFC computation offers the advantage of incorporating the effects of off-balance-sheet financing—by taking into account operating lease and rental payments. Total cash flow to debt is of direct concern to credit-rating agencies and loan decision officers. It is the responsibility of the business owner or leadership team to determine whether the business is able to continue in the foreseeable future.

The result of the financial statement audit is an auditor opinion that is regarded as a public trust symbol to the information accountability presented in a financial statement . The study used secondary data obtained from financial reports and independent audit reports published by Indonesian Stock Exchange as well as Indonesian Capital Market Directory. Besides, the population of the study included manufacturing companies registered in ISE from 2009 to 2013.

Opinion Shopping To The Going Concern Audit Opinion

Boomtown’s current ratio was frequently well over 1.00, even soaring to 4.84 in 1993, while Circus Circus current ratio never strayed over 1.32. Over the five years in question, Boomtown’s current ratio showed fairly consistent improvement, a trend that would be reassuring to most auditors. It’s given when the auditor has doubts about the company and the assumption that it is a going concern. A qualified opinion can be a concern to investors, lenders and other stakeholders.

going concern ratio

When making these judgements, the management must take into account all available information about the future. However, in times of business downfall, they must assess their going concern. The procedures about are the key procedures and additional procedure might be required. Cash flow forecasting is also one of the most important procedures that we should use and perform to assess the going concern problem. It could tell us whether the company has any cash problem in the next twelve months or not. However, financial figures are the results of how the company is affected by non-financial figures especially the environment. That means the management of the entity is the one who has the main roles and responsibilities to assess whether the entity is operating without facing the going concern problems.

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If so, the auditor must draw attention to the uncertainty regarding the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern, in their auditor’s report. On the other hand, inappropriate use of the going concern assumption by an entity may cause the auditor to issue an adverse opinion on the financial statements. This Guidance provides a framework to assist directors, audit committees and finance teams in determining whether it is appropriate to adopt the going concern basis for preparing financial statements and in making balanced, proportionate and clear disclosures. Separate standards and guidance have been issued by the Auditing Practices Board to address the work of auditors in relation to going concern. The auditor has a responsibility to evaluate whether there is substantial doubt about the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern for a reasonable period of time, not to exceed one year beyond the date of the financial statements being audited . The auditor’s evaluation is based on his or her knowledge of relevant conditions and events that exist at or have occurred prior to the date of the auditor’s report. Many auditors and, to a lesser extent, corporate financial managers have been slow to learn how to use cash flow ratios.

An auditor who bothered to calculate two other cash flow ratios—FFC and cash/current debt—would have gotten even more remarkable results. Because Circus Circus carried very little current debt, its cash covered current debt well over 175 times in every year, while Boomtown’s cash didn’t even cover current debt in 1994, and its cash/current debt coverage was in the single digits for three of the other four years. More remarkably, Boomtown’s FFC went negative in 1994 and again in 1996 and was consistently weaker than that of Circus Circus in every year. The gaming industry expanded to 12 states from 2 between 1989 and 1995. During that time, many of the traditional casino corporations managed asset growth rates of 200% and more.

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Those requirements for disclosure are essentially in the accounting framework, so they’re embedded in U.S. Auditors must ascertain whether the financial statements are fairly presented in accordance with GAAP. They must be satisfied with the accuracy of the transactions and balances summarized in the four financial statements and the related disclosures.

Certainly, we always have to be thinking about who the users of the financial statements are and whether a delay in the issuance of the financial statements would be acceptable or would be viewed as unacceptable by users of the financial statements. On the other hand, if you’re operating a business in the hospitality industry — restaurants, bars, airlines, cruise ships, things like that — obviously the conditions and events give rise to going concern matters. Certainly, it would be hard to deny that the pandemic and COVID-19 create events and conditions that may cause doubt about an organization’s ability to continue as a going concern.

Conditions For Going Concern

The going concern audit opinion is an audit opinion issued by an auditor to evaluate the company’s ability in maintaining the business continuity. The purpose of this paper is to discover the effects of audit client tenure, audit lag, opinion shopping, liquidity ratio and leverage on the going concern audit opinion. We don’t expect that to be common at all, but that is one requirement of the standards. Boomtown’s cash interest coverage was considerably weaker than that of Circus Circus, except in 1993, when Boomtown had no long-term debt. Over the interval shown, the Circus Circus OCF ratio slipped under 2.00 only once, meaning that it generated enough cash to cover its current liabilities twice over—and even improved on that despite a rapid growth rate. The company’s cash interest coverage ratio also was consistently high. Boomtown’s cash flow ratios, however, might surprise an auditor relying solely on balance sheet ratios.

Another aspect of this is that nobody can even come up with a consensus estimate of when this pandemic may start to look better and resolve itself, or when social distancing or travel restrictions may be relaxed. As a result, it’s a little bit of a tenuous proposition to think you’re going to wait until the uncertainty resolves itself to issue your financial statements as it may be a long time. Auditor reporting and transparency about the entity’s financial condition is information critical to our turbulent economy. Amid the economic turmoil related to the coronavirus pandemic, going concern is one of the topics that auditors are most frequently asking about in their contacts with the AICPA. The information in this article does not address audits performed in accordance with PCAOB standards. The numerator of this ratio is the sum of net income, accrued and capitalized interest expense, depreciation and amortization and operating lease and rental expense less declared dividends and capital expenditures. The denominator is the sum of accrued and capitalized interest expense, operating lease and rental expense, the current portion of long-term debt and the current portion of long-term lease obligations.

Effective auditors can use cash flow ratios to improve their understanding of the cash concerns critical to the particular company and to plan the audit more effectively. Auditing textbooks commonly include only ratios based on the balance sheet and income statement with little or no discussion of cash ratios. The next generation of auditors needs to learn how to use cash flow ratios in audits because such measures are becoming increasingly important to the marketplace. If the auditor concludes that the entity’s disclosures with respect to the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern for a reasonable period of time are inadequate, a departure from generally accepted accounting principles exists.

The result of the study was in line with the statement of Masyitoh and Adhariani , in which they asserted that the liquidity did not affect the issuance of the going concern opinion by the auditor. Further, this result showed that not all companies receiving the going concern audit opinion had low liquidity level compared to the companies receiving the non-going concern audit opinion.

This is, again, a direct correlate of an earnings current debt coverage ratio, but more revealing because it addresses managements dividend distribution policy and its subsequent effect on cash available to meet current debt commitments. Now look at the total debt ratio line and the two cash flow adequacy ratio lines for each company.

Companies with strong NFCF compared with upcoming debt obligations are better credit risks than companies that must use outside capital sources. Banks, credit-rating agencies and investment analysts understandably are very concerned with these questions. Accordingly, they have developed several ratios to provide answers to them. Auditors, who are more concerned about full disclosure, can use these same ratios to pinpoint areas for closer scrutiny when planning an audit.